Recent Projects

Resume Projects
A selection of work from our team's personal resumes.
All credit, IP and copyright belong to the design and construction firms where our team had worked in or collaborated with.

Albany Rose Garden Apartments
Context Architects
During it's conception, Albany Rose Gardens was the largest apartment complex in the city. Consisting of an activated retail lane and high quality vertical living, Albany Rose Gardens is an example of high density done well.

W Sixth Building
Aidea Inc
Progressive 29 Floor office and retail development in Bonifacio Global City.

Kerewhenua - B14 Superlot
Context Architects
100+ Units in a landmark corner of Hobonsville Point.
A combination of long-term build-to-rent, affordable housing and higher range family living.

SBS Banking Fit-Outs
Context Architects
Complete revitalization of an beloved old community brand

Solaire Casino
Aidea Inc
Luxurious Baccarat & Bar in Central Manila

106 Huia Road
Context Architects
4 lot New builds for The Block

Fletcher Living Apartments

Solaire Resort
5-star hotel

Scott Bay
6 no. of medium-density town houses overlooking the water

Epsom Home

Hobsonville Point Kerewhenua Housing